The Ultimate Citrus Page

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100% Pure Florida Florida Orange Juice,

FCOJ, and OJ Futures

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Florida Orange Juice

The Story of Florida Orange Juice - From the Grove to Your Glass - This web page describes, with color pictures, how Florida oranges are harvested and processed into 100% pure Florida orange juice.

Preview the latest in Citrus Mechanical Harvesting for processed oranges. Visit the new Photo Gallery; then, to keep up with the latest news, Subscribe to Citrus News.

The Orange Book - Great New book!  - The Orange Book follows the complete journey of orange juice. A must have book for the processor and grower who wants to know everything possible about The Orange!

See the World's Largest Glass of Florida Orange Juice!

Find out more about The Orange Juice Production Process and Product Forms, a reprint from the Morris Citrus Economics Newsletter.

USDA Standards (in Adobe PDF Format):

Download a Adobe PDF Document called Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice From Florida Oranges from the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. This may take 2 - 4 minutes to download. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, click here: Adobe

U.S. Citrus and Subtropical Products Research Laboratory - USDA-ARS - This laboratory developed the original FCOJ process for commercial application

FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Vitamin C and Citrus Juices - All you wanted to know about vitamin C and good information for science fair projects.

Handbook of Citrus By-Products and Processing Technology - by  Robert J. Braddock, Hardcover (1999), 247 pages - This book brings together all the scattered information on citrus by-products -- including data, research, and technological developments.

Citrus Processing, A Complete Guide, 2nd Edition - D. A. Kimball. The second edition of this reference has an expanded scope.It includes a review of corporate and business fundamentals applied to citrus processing.

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Florida Orange Juice | OJ Futures and Options | Bulk Juice Processors & Providers | Packaged Juice Providers

OJ Futures and Options

FCOJ Futures contracts trade on the NYBOT between 10:00am and 1:30pm EST.

Delayed Current OJ Futures Quotes - from the NYBOT

More information on Orange Juice Futures can be found at the New York Board of Trade.

The NYCE now is part of the NYBOT where you can customize your NYBOT web page and also find the FCOJ Movemnet and Pack Report.

OJ Futures Charts from Commodity Futures and Financial Market Charts

ABECitrus - The Brazlian Association of Citrus Exporters.

Citrus Administrative Committee Weekly Florida Citrus Fruit Utilization Report

From the Citrus Economic Site, get the latest:

Florida Agricultural Statistics Service - Commodity Futures & Options Futuresweb Trading Group

Orion Futures Group, Inc. - located in Tampa, Florida, they are commodity futures brokers and assist the individual trader and hedger to trade OJ futures and options contracts.

FutureSource Home Page - For information on obtaining real-time data on futures, cash and options markets around the world.

OptionVue Systems International - Your partner in successful options trading! They are the proud developers of the award-winning OptionVue 5, the most powerful options trading software ever developed for the personal computer.

Optimus Trading Group - OTG is an online commodity futures trading discount broker for commodity trading and discount online futures trading

Harris Capital Management, Inc. CTA - Commodity Futures Broker and Registered Commodity Trading Advisor

Columbia Asset Management - Convenient links of agricultural commodity charts and quotes.

Byrne Investment Services, Inc. - Commodity Broker

CKFutures - an internet based source of futures market research and trading ideas.

World Wide Ag Network

4FlashFills Futures - Commodity Broker

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Florida Orange Juice | OJ Futures and Options | Bulk Juice Processors & Providers | Packaged Juice Providers

Bulk Juice Processors & Providers

Juice Products Association

Brown International Corporation - manufacturers of food and citrus processing machinery

FMC FoodTech - a global, full-line food technology provider including harvesting, preparing, processing, packaging and preservation systems.

FMC FoodTech Citrus Systems - FMC technology squeezes more than 75% of the world's processed citrus fruit.

Institute of Food Technologists

Florida Bulk Sales Inc.

Florida Freezer - Cold Storage; Store Your FCOJ Here!

ENERFAB - engaged in the "turnkey" supply of Not From Concentrated Orange Juice (NFCOJ) processing and storage in Florida.

Bynum Transport - Food-grade transport tankers

Oakley Transport, Inc. - Transport tankers for orange juice and hauler of citrus fruit from the grove to the processing plant.

Preview the latest in Citrus Mechanical Harvesting for processed oranges. Visit the new Photo Gallery; then, to keep up with the latest news, Subscribe to Citrus News.

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Florida Orange Juice | OJ Futures and Options | Bulk Juice Processors & Providers | Packaged Juice Providers

Packaged Juice Providers

List of packaged juice providers - If your Florida orange juice packaging or marketing company has a web site, please send your URL for consideration of addition to this list to .

Juice Products Association

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Florida Orange Juice | OJ Futures and Options | Bulk Juice Processors & Providers | Packaged Juice Providers

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This page was last updated on January 10, 2017