The Ultimate Citrus Page
Australian Citrus
Photo Gallery


All Photos Copyright© 2001, by Chet Townsend
Photos taken on September 14, 2001

These photos may not be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the express written permission of the author. To request permission, send e-mail to

Photos were taken at Kangara Farms in Murtho, South Australia

Look hard, there is a kangaroo in the grove middle laying down with his ears up.

Here is a closer look, sneaking through a valencia tree

Here they are, running away. They must be camera shy

September is Spring time in Australia. Valencias and Navels are budding out with bloom.

Here are some Emus standing between Shiraz grape vines
Kangara Farms grows Navels, Valencias, Avocados, Wine Grapes, and carrots. They also have a packing shed and are now owned by Chiquita.


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This page was last updated on September 15, 2001 .