Parson Brown Orange

Type and parentage: Sweet Orange
Average diameter (inches): 2 1/2 - 2 3/4
Seeds per fruit: 10-20
Commercial harvest season: October - January

Parson Brown is another early orang ewhich may be harvested slightly earlier than the Hamlin. It is, however, not as productive as Hamlin and fruit quality is no better. Its seediness makes it less desirable than Hamlin for the fresh market. Original plantings of this variety on sour orange rootstock on heavy hammock soils produced good crops of relatively high quality fruit as would Hamlin under those conditions.

Selections available at the Immokalee Foundation:

PB-S-SPB-1-2-3-X-E: This is a Hughes seedling selection which was one of the first nucellar selections entered into the budwood program. Characterized as vigorous with high yields.

University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 1995
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Bureau of Citrus Budwood Registration